speaking about regulation, as a party providing an important piece of infrastructure to the muggles in the matrix, we would expect some gratitude from the various highly incompetent "governators" around the world, instead of pissing off isps with more regulations, primarily pushed by the various illegal kartells that form the "entertainment industry" (on which we should pull hostile takeovers to shut them down once and for good and noone will even miss them and their stupid dvds but that's besides the point), it would be nice if the "internet community" would from now on reside directly under the UN (no more local laws and other annoying interference) and our technical staff would at least get cars with sirens etc to go to datacenters -fast- if the need arises. (just basic -requirements-, nothing fancy) let's just face it, noone here (besides those in china) give a rats ass about what china wants (no falun gong) or that sweden has anti porn laws which have 24 as their criteria or other local crap, for some weird reason the local crap from the USA seems to be widely accepted -still-, but in fact the real problem is just that the scope of the internet goes well over the obsolete country borders from the past, and therefore any form of regulation should do so as well. nothing wrong with regulation, but as the reach of the internet is a tad bigger than that of a muggle tv station, it should be global, and as we own the infrastructure and they cannot do without us, we get to vote who goes into the new (not the fcc, as thats us only anyway) regulating body. (or we might as well pull the plug and keep our individual parts of the internet for ourselves, which sends them all back to the stoneage). after all, if you break it, you get to keep both parts. I'm quite sure noone in europe or asia gives anything about anything the FCC may say or do and larger transit-less networks will just move their headquarters to such places should it get in the way. On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Lamar Owen wrote:
Larry Sheldon LarrySheldon@cox.net wrote:
How will that work in, say, China? Or Iran [snip]
But I'm sure there are loopholes in my rough outline above; it's too simple to be real regulation. :-)
One World Government at last!
Just one of the many loopholes in my simplistic outline, and the most difficult thing of all about regulating 'the Internet.'
So, would prefacing my outline with 'In the USA, this could be done for that portion of 'the Internet' provider infrastructure within the jurisdiction of the USA' close that hole to a degree? (not really)
Like I said, I am not touching the definition of the 'complete Internet' (and I even left a clue to this hole in that line).