I figured this should be a new thread. My opinion is that we need to fix some RFC's to help eliminate the SMURF problem and other problems. Is there a review of the Router and Host requirements RFC's in the works? Specifically, to review those areas which could be changed to fix some of these problems. For example, the directed broadcast stuff should be written to basically say that the DEFAULT must be for the directed broadcasts to be off. The real problem here is that the RFC's say that the default must be on. Where the BCP says that the default should be off. I'm sure there are other discrepancies between RFC's and the BCP. Shouldn't these be fixed? That way we have a document to point to. And, hopefully, the hardware vendors will follow with tradition and write code to the RFC spec. - Forrest W. Christian (forrestc@imach.com) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- iMach, Ltd., P.O. Box 5749, Helena, MT 59604 http://www.imach.com Solutions for your high-tech problems. (406)-442-6648 ----------------------------------------------------------------------