----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexei Roudnev" <alex@relcom.net> To: "Bruce Tonkin" <Bruce.Tonkin@melbourneit.com.au>; <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 3:45 AM Subject: Re: Gtld transfer process
Problem - you are talking about changing registrar, but in reality you describe changing of domain owner.
conceptually, you are correct.
Why (what for) is it allowed to transfer from one registrar to another with changing NS records and other owner information? Why don't separate this 2 events - changing registrar, and changing domain owner/information? Is it any need in reality changing registrar with simultaneous changing domain information?
yes, every day. a lot of people register their domain through their shared hosting company, so when they decide to switch to a competitor, they switch both. it is irrelevant whether the losing and gaining registrar reseller use the same registrar, in this case. -p --- paul galynin