On 4/30/05, Steven Champeon <schampeo@hesketh.com> wrote:
You'll see 'abo' for 'cable', perhaps? as well as 'cable'. But for most
abo = short for "abonnement", that is, "subscription" / "subscriber" Just means its a pool of IPs assigned to users, I guess.
Dunno. Don't have many examples of those, as I block most traffic from there, and what I didn't block didn't often have rDNS anyway. The one net.cn example I have, nova, named all of their rDNS with user.nova.net.cn - yep, that's it - what every host is named.
And there's a vietnamese ISP that was clever enough to give the same rDNS - "localhost" - to all their IP space. Don't know which one of the three ISPs there does this, but as APNIC 20 is in Hanoi, I'll most likely find that out for myself.
FPT Viet Nam uses 'adsl-pool-xxx', 'adsl-fix-xxx', and 'dialup-xxx' (yes, the x's are part of the actual name, not a placeholder for the numbers).
So its not FPT Vietnam, but one of the two other ISPs there
'bredband'. The Japanese use 'flets' and 'ftth', the Dutch and others
ftth = fiber to the home. flets is also some kind of fiber. --srs -- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)