I'm very happy to see interest in DPDK and power consumption. But IMHO, the questions do not cover the actual reality of DPDK. That característic of "100% CPU" depends on several aspects, like: - How old are the hardware on DPDK. - What type of DPDK Instructions are made(Very Dynamic as Statefull CGNAT, ou Static ACLs?) - Using or not the measurements of DPDK Input/Drop/Fowarding. - CPU Affinity done according to the demand of traffic - SR-IOV (sharing resources) on DPDK. The way I saw, the questions induce the public to conclude that DPDK ALWAYS has 100% CPU usage, which is not true. Em seg., 22 de fev. de 2021 às 04:30, Etienne-Victor Depasquale < edepa@ieee.org> escreveu:
Hello folks,
I've just followed a thread regarding use of CGNAT and noted a suggestion (regarding DANOS) that includes use of DPDK.
As I'm interested in the breadth of adoption of DPDK, and as I'm a researcher into energy and power efficiency, I'd love to hear your feedback on your use of power consumption control by DPDK.
I've drawn up a bare-bones, 2-question survey at this link:
Responses have been set to anonymous.
-- Ing. Etienne-Victor Depasquale Assistant Lecturer Department of Communications & Computer Engineering Faculty of Information & Communication Technology University of Malta Web. https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/etiennedepasquale
-- Douglas Fernando Fischer Engº de Controle e Automação