Thanks for the pointers, Mikael. unfortunately, my Swedish is not much better than my Japanese... But it is a good start and I am sure I will find some sort of English description somewhere. I should have been a bit more explicit in my question: I am not concerned on the routing of the last mile, sewer, trenching, etc. That is a solved problem for these projects. The big questions for me is PON vs active and, if PON, what are the details: prisms in the CO vs prisms in the field, which xPON to use, etc. How is splicing and interconnection done, etc. thanks! Fletcher On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson <swmike@swm.pp.se> wrote:
On Wed, 2 Dec 2009, Fletcher Kittredge wrote:
Pricing aside, do you feel the Japanese have a good architecture for the
last mile? Would it adapt well from an environment that is mostly multi-dwelling units (MDU) to one which is mostly single-dwelling units? Any thoughts on good places to start for an english language speaker to learn about the Japanese broadband experience?
You might look into what's being done in Sweden then, here there are municipality networks who dig up the streets and does fiber to the individual house in "suburbia" (you have to trench your own land though, 4dm deep, 1-2dm wide, they only dig in the street put down the pipe in your trench).
Common cost for the house owner to get this done is in the 2-4kUSD range per house, then you can choose between multiple ISPs to purchase your bw from. 100/100 (symmetric speed) seems to cost 40 USD per month, 10/10 is 5-10 USD/month cheaper.
I've been trying to run the text thru google translate, but the web magic seems to prohibit this from working.
If someone can figure it out better than me, the URL is here (in swedish):
-- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se
-- Fletcher Kittredge GWI 8 Pomerleau Street Biddeford, ME 04005-9457 207-602-1134