If this is for real, I'd love to see Mr. Allyn's response if his AOL address were subscribed to thousands of bulk email lists. How much would spamming be protected as free speech then? Not that I'd advocate doing such. -Jon On Mon, 11 Aug 97 12:53:38 -0700, jon@clearink.com writes:
This is a good one...anybody seen this before?
They are spamming about spamming. Maybe it is a plot by this lawyer to get more clients...
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From filer Mon, 11 Aug 1997 12:22:35 -0800 Received: from www.kia.co.kr (1Cust59.max43.los-angeles.ca.ms.uu.net []) by www.kia.co.kr (8.6.12h2/8.6.9) with SMTP id FAA07648; Sat, 9 Aug 1997 05:03:06 +0900 From: webmaster@sailahead.com Received: from mips-1.sailahead.com (mips-1.sailahead.com []) by sailahead.com (8.8.5/8.6.5) with SMTP id GAA05402 for <suspected_flamer@somewhereincyberspace.com>; Fri, 08 Aug 1997 12:11:33 -0600 (EST) Date: Fri, 08 Aug 97 12:11:33 EST To: suspected_flamer@somewhereincyberspace.com Subject: Cease And Desist Flaming Message-Id: <> Reply-To: khskllp@aol.com X-Pmflags: 34666848 0 X-Uidl: 3273376668a65eb1890m0762123a Comments: Authenticated sender is <webmaster@sailahead.com> Status: RO
On behalf of our client, Samsung America Inc., ("Samsung") we hereby request that you cease and desist all inflammatory internet hacking, telephone hacking, flaming, jamming, and other illegal activities.
If you have responded aversely to a recent bulk email message from our client, Samsung America, Inc., or from any of its subsidiary companies, then you may be one of the people who has performed fraudulent and actionable transgressions, thereby causing severe harm to our client.
Your email name was provided as being suspected of connection to various acts of internet terrorism. Your acts are illegal.
Several messages have suggested that Samsung and/or its subsidiaries, including but not limited to Sailahead Global Emporium, www.sailahead.com, and Samsung Electronics, www.sosimple.com, violated US Federal Laws through activities commonly called "spamming." This allegation is unfounded in the law, as spamming is a protected activity under the laws of free speech.
Our client has asked us to inform you that all of your future correspondences should be directed to their counsel:
Russell L. Allyn, Attorney at Law California Sate Bar Number (SBN) 143531 Katz, Hoyt, Seigel & Kapor LLP Los Angeles, CA khskllp@aol.com 310-473-1300 310-473-7138 (fax)
All incidents of internet terrorism will be prosecuted where possible, and reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities as warranted.
Please consider this as your notice to cease all attempts to harm multi-national corporations who conduct legitimate commerce on the internet.
Russell L. Allyn, Attorney at Law
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