20 Nov
20 Nov
5:09 a.m.
Paging a Comcast mail admin... can you please contact me offlist about one of our mail servers being blocked? It appears your systems have blocklisted one of our outbound customer mail filters,, most likely due phishing email originating from a customer account that was compromised (and locked down) 2 days ago. I've tried the request form located at http://www.comcastsupport.com/Forms/NET/blockedprovider.asp, but it's not accepting my input (timing out). I've also tried a couple of phone contacts, but that lead to them telling me that I "need to talk to [my] ISP". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, -- Kameron Gasso | Senior Systems Administrator | visp.net Direct: 541-955-6903 | Fax: 541-471-0821