A Helpful resource. http://www.namingschemes.com/ I used Element names from the periodic table for physical servers in a VMware Cluster once. I used robot names from Futurama for Continuous Integration build agents (Atlassian Bamboo) I have seen stars, greek gods, Lord of the rings characters and places, cheers characters, Greek Letters. This was all at one place mind you. System names should be fun, you can give out a professional aliases to managers. -- Jason Fried Deloitte Consulting LLP Tel/Direct: +1 601 584 1536 www.deloitte.com This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited. [v.E.1]