Downloadable from http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/5/47/34935342.pdf This is linked from the OECD antispam toolkit page, as part of section 8 of the antispam toolkit (Outreach) http://www.oecd.org/sti/spam/toolkit/
Element 8 - Outreach
Due to the international nature of spam, it is critical that the Toolkit have a global reach. The OECD is working in collaboration with ITU, APEC and APECTel, and with many OECD non-member economies. Further contributions and comments from all stakeholders are called for and appreciated.
Comments and suggestions appreciated Operational - mentions a whole lot of things that are of concern to operators worldwide .. starting from whois and rDNS to sending people to attend NOG meetings, getting help from PCH / NSRC etc. regards -srs