a DNS oriented approach can be feasible in many situations.
yup. unfortunately the hack is not a good net citizen (some folk don't appreciate packets thrown at their servers), and some versions are not very accurate (as the server for foo.bar may be quite net.far from the host foo.bar).
but then most bgp hacks, though better net citizens, are not brilliantly accurate either. the anycast hack really being the only one that scales and performs at all well.
Help me our here. Can we not agree that exponentially more websites will require the ability to multihome to different AS's to achieve proper redundancy / disaster recovery? Instead of simply saying "if it ain't BGP its crap" like the above, or the E Gavron's telling me that these customers should simple advertise their little netblocks out of two or more AS's, can someone suggest some viable solutions? The hard reality is that there isn't enough AS space. This is unbelievably obvious. With that in mind, how do I multihome? I am currently engaged in a great number of projects that face this exact challenge. In liue of more stategic solutions or co-location into proper facilities, I personally don't see a better mechanism than load distribution techniques similar to the 3DNS. ------- Peter Van Oene Senior Systems Engineer UNIS LUMIN Inc. www.unislumin.com