From: Nathan Stratton <nathan@netrail.net> Yep, but you also need to add a few ms for electronics in that 4000 mile line. We tend to see around 64 - 65 ms delay between our DCA and PAL routers. The delays in the electronics in the repeaters (no DACSes in a big ISP pipe) and muxes along the way don't add up to more than a few tens of microseconds. Disappears in the noise compared to other factors on the line. In fact, I daresay the jitter in interrupt service time on the host on the other end (even on a unix box, let alone a cisco serving icmp replies in its copious spare time) exceeds the electronic delays by an order of magnitude or more. Then there's the delay in getting your packets onto and off of the CSMA/CD network that you indubitably have at the far end.... ---rob