Currently there are at least 60 ISPs serving the San Diego county area. There are LOTS of packets from "home" to "office" that make a round-trip via MAE-West. Some people have decided that this is silly. Even if it is "cost-effective", it *squanders* bandwidth at MAE-West that could best be used for other traffic.
I wonder how much bandwidth at the MAEs could be saved if more areas built local low-cost NAPs just for local traffice exchanges?
I think there's a lot of merit to this proposal. i
Then check out the San Diego NAP....
if it is really a local-only exchange point, i.e. no one is using it for transit, and all are only exchanging local routes, lots of folk out here would be very interested in real measurements. like how much of an isp's traffic can they actually shed locally? not conjecture, real data. randy