There have been 28 response to the survey I put out last week. The key numbers are: We have read and will not sign the agreement 10 36% We are considering signing the agreement 1 4% We haven't yet read it 5 18% and Our legal staff has reviewed and rejected the agreement. 7 25% We have provided specific legal feedback to ARIN on the agreement. 2 7% I'll draw the obvious conclusion: While not scientific, these numbers, combined with the, well, lively, discussion the past few days show some serious dissatisfaction with the agreement required in order to access, and therefore validate, ROAs in the ARIN region. And there in lies my interest in all of this- there is little value in signing my org's routes if no one is going to validate them. It's a bit of an odd position in that I have a very high interest in what the rest of the community thinks of and how they act with respect to the RPA. In other words, your relationship with ARIN is now of concern to me. Maybe I'm being naively optimistic in thinking that these are solvable problems.