Hannigan, Martin said the following on 14/02/2005 09:32:
Is aggregation being covered in the Sunday BoF's?
[ hint, hint ]
The BGP tutorials I've been doing on Sundays at NANOG all cover aggregation - at least, I seem to end up talking about aggregation in each one. Maybe I need to be more direct? But then again, who am I preaching to? The choir maybe, I don't know. Maybe we need a specific aggregation tutorial for those who don't know how to? Those who have operational and technical reasons not to aggregate have made that decision with prior knowledge. We should try and give everyone else the knowledge, then at least we will know that all de-aggregation is done for a reason. Then it begs the question, is NANOG the conference actually reaching the people who'd most benefit from it? I say this as I'm in transit in Singapore heading back from a hugely successful and enjoyable SANOG (South Asia NOG) in Bangladesh. Similar idea to NANOG, but heavier emphasis on education (workshops & tutorials), and we had ISPs falling over themselves to participate in the first Internet operations meeting held in that country. philip --