In article <c4faaa6b-b6d0-0452-470f-cd37076a91fe@monmotha.net> you write:
On 10/11/19 9:43 PM, Matt Hoppes wrote: How distributed is the power on a typical HFC system in practice? I'm sure I'm missing some of them, but having walked out most of a small-ish (~2000 residences) city recently for a FTTx deployment, I think I only saw 2-3 power nodes on Comcast's plant.
I spend too much time looking up at the power lines while walking the dog and around here, Spectrum ex-Roadrunner, on just about every block I see something on the cable plant with an electric meter. I can't tell how many are amplifiers and how many are fiber to coax adapters. None have any evident batteries although I suppose there might be some in the cabinets. My current phone and Internet service is FTTH from the local RLEC. The box they installed here is powered from a 12v UPS and I'm reasonably sure there are no active components between here and the CO since it's only 1/4 mile away, so I'll be interested to see how it does when the power goes out.