On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Brian R. Watters <brwatters@absfoc.com> wrote:
A couple of questions -
1) What flavor of NPE are you using?
2) Is the GigE interface on the NPE-G1/G2 OR is this a PA? 3) Is the FaE ethernet interface that you appear to be connecting your laptop to, on a separate PA in chassis?
Laptop connected directly to router via slot 4 PA-FE-TX
4) Have you verified you that "bandwidth-points" have not been exceeded for bus-1 and/or 2: slots 1,3,5 for bus1 and 2,4,6; also 0(if I/O controller is present. It is 600 points for bus1 and 600 for bus2.
PCI bus mb1 has 390 bandwidth points PCI bus mb2 has 500 bandwidth points
Have you *hard-coded* speed and duplex on any of you eth ints? Please don't!
GIGE has been both hard and auto .. same results .. Fast Ether has always been set @ auto
Let both ints auto-negotiate speed&duplex.
Comcast states that we are required to have a hard code FULL DUPLEX and SPEED 100 as well as flow control OFF however I can not appear to be able to disable it :(
If the Comcast side is hard-coded to 100/Full then you really only have one choice, set your side to 100/Full, as well. For the past decade, Cisco gear completely disables autonegotiation if you hard set the speed and duplex settings. Some equipment still participates in auto even when you hard set it. That's why you occasionally get duplex mismatches even when both sides are hard set. The side that participates in auto will expect to see an autonegotiating link partner. When it doesn't see one, it drops back to half duplex because it assumes it is connected to a hub (This is for Fast Ethernet.) So, if you connect a piece of Cisco gear and it is hard set to 100/full, you'll be fine. If you connect a laptop or some other device with a NIC that still participates in auto even when you hard set the settings, you won't get that to work well.