On 10-aug-2005, at 22:04, David Conrad wrote:
the ivtf
"Internet Vendor Task Force" -- Randy's term for the IETF.
:-) I was in the session where Randy threw his final fit as AD. Good times...
people are giving out prefixes as needed, not just the religious /48.
Yes, and ISPs have historically done so well determining what people "need".
The ISPs have apparently done well in determining what people will pay for. At least those that still exist.
There is not enough choice and/or information for the capitalist system to work its magic here.
Power to the people.
One of the nice things about IPv4 was that pretty much nobody cared about it other than the folks who were trying to get things working. "The people" who were specifying the protocol were also the folks who were running the network.
That's exactly the reason why the IETF has such a hard time moving forward: whatever way of abusing IP you can think of, someone is doing it today, and breaking that "feature" will gravely upset them. It's the age old battle between the irresistible force (progress) and the immovable object (users) I guess.