I’ve heard from the grape vine that this is due to the GBLX to Level3 transition, and it’s in fact paid IP transit. Regards, Marty Strong -------------------------------------- CloudFlare - AS13335 Network Engineer marty@cloudflare.com +44 7584 906 055 smartflare (Skype) http://www.peeringdb.com/view.php?asn=13335
On 21 Jan 2016, at 18:37, Matthew D. Hardeman <mhardeman@ipifony.com> wrote:
Yesterday I was looking at some of the IPv4 and IPv6 session summaries on http://lg.he.net and saw that both the Equinix Los Angeles and Equinix Ashburn site routers have new IPv4 and IPv6 sessions (not yet running, but administratively up for about 6 days now) configured for AS3356.
I know they already peer IPv6, though not at those sites. Is this the first hint that HE and Level3 are coming around on an IPv4 and IPv6 peering agreement?