13 Sep
13 Sep
9:46 a.m.
On Sun, Sep 12, 2004 at 09:16:33PM +0200, Michel Renfer wrote: Hi,
The "NOG" philosophy don't work in Europe.
That's not correct. The concept works in switzerland with SwiNOG very well - at least two meetings every year and a good organized communitiy behind SwiNOG.
Agree, here in .nl we have (how surpising) NLNOG. This is a semi-open forum (read access for everyone, posting for a limited group). From time to time we even have social meetings. No formal meetings (yet). Works like a charme! -- Sabri Berisha, SAB666-RIPE - I route, therefore you are http://www.cluecentral.net - http://www.virt-ix.net