hi, AS8263 encounted the same problem today. The problem is that cisco handle this incorrect update normally, but it couses Bay Networks routers to crash =() Seems to be another problem on the Internet. Neil J. McRae wrote:
Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP RECV -> Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP RECV message type 2 (Update) length 71 Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP RECV flags 0x40 code Origin(1): Incomplete Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP RECV flags 0x40 code ASPath(2): 6453 701 65525 ((65523)) 356 1 1691 Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP RECV flags 0x40 code NextHop(3): Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP RECV 204.174.40/24, 204.239.26/24, 204.239.27/24, 204 .239.147/24 Aug 6 13:46:20 Aug 6 13:46:20 bnp_path_attr_eer: peer (External AS 6453) bad up date send NOTIFY flag 0 type 0 err_subcode 11, data 0 Aug 6 13:46:20 NOTIFICATION sent to (External AS 6453): code 3 ( Update Message Error) subcode 11 (AS path attribute problem) data Aug 6 13:46:20 Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP SEND -> Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP SEND message type 3 (Notification) length 21 Aug 6 13:46:20 BGP SEND Notification code 3 (Update Message Error) subcode 11 ( AS path attribute problem) Aug 6 13:46:20
Regards, Neil. -- Neil J. McRae. Alive and Kicking. Domino: In the glow of the night neil@DOMINO.ORG NetBSD-1.3 released! ftp://ftp.uk.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD Free the daemon in your <A HREF="http://www.NetBSD.ORG/">computer!</A>
-- Best regards, =================[ Victor L. Belov @ ZENON N.S.P. ]==================== Mail: belov@zenon.net | URL: http://www.aha.ru | RIPE: VLB1-RIPE Phone: +7 095 250 4629 | Mobile: +7 095 720 3845 | FAX: +7 095 251 5702 =========[ 1-ja Jamskogo polia 19, of #703, Moscow, Russia ]===========