http://www.cbronline.com/cbr.nsf/latestnews/3D7D494A2E3C728A80256BF4001084B0... 07/12/2002 Curtain Being Drawn on KPNQwest Network The future of the KPNQwest network looks bleak, after the Customer Support KPNQwest foundation decided to withdraw its support for the operation from 23.00 hours tonight. The foundation was co-founded by Dutch carrier KPN NV to enable the bankrupt network to continue operating while possible buyers were found. Yesterday KPN said that much of the network had already been sold off and customers had found alternative options. Consequently, traffic had dropped and "the foundation sees no reason to continue supporting the network." Dutch incumbent KPN added that "the receivers and banks have still not responded positively to KPN's offer to take over the remaining sections of rings 1,2 and 3 in of the KPNQwest network in Northwestern Europe". KPN added that as far as it was aware, its offer was the only concrete one. It said, "whether the Foundation's decision to stop support of the network leads to its closure depends on the receivers and the banks." --------------------- André Chapuis IP+ Engineering Swisscom Ltd Genfergasse 14 3050 Bern +41 31 893 89 61 chapuis@ip-plus.net CCIE #6023 ---------------------