Once upon a time, Dave <dedelman@iname.com> said:
Folks for most systems, this is a change to a single file. Not a really hard thing to accomplish
For lots of up-to-date servers running a current and well-maintained operating system, this will be mostly easy (except that if you maintain hundreds of servers, it's still non-trivial, because even with automation, there's testing involved to make sure all services are properly updated). It's definitely more than "a change to a single file" though. If that's all that existed, that'd be great. However, there are tons of not up-to-date servers, running unmaintained operating systems. There are tons of embedded systems that never get updates. The last time Congress messed with the time zones and DST, it was a huge PITA, and I'd wager there are way more problem systems now than there were then. This is a huge waste of time to address, all because some businesses think their hours are nailed for all eternity, and the world must change instead. -- Chris Adams <cma@cmadams.net>