Just because the host addresses are theoretically valid doesn't mean that using them is a good idea. Those two addresses constitute less than 1% of a network's addresses, and are very simple to configure out of your DHCP servers, etc. Again, the likelihood that these addresses will cause problems or experience connectivity issues is a far greater concern than the gain of less than 1% of usable address space. Sorry Charley :) Stephen Charley Kline wrote:
But subnets of class B's may be larger than /24 and have host numbers of .255 and .0 in them. That's true all over this campus.
It may be reasonable to filter x.x.x.255 addresses from class C's or /24 blocks, but you cannot filter all addresses that end in .255 without filtering out a number of completely legitimate hosts.
-- Stephen Sprunk "Oops." Email: sprunk@paranet.com Sprint Paranet -Albert Einstein ICBM: 33.00151N 96.82326W