At 01:34 PM 5/31/98 -0500, Karl Denninger wrote:
Uh, hold on a second....
I didn't say to make the first ASN "unreasonably" expensive (and I do believe $500 is unreasonable).
No, you just said "This does make sense - a lot of sense." when Jamie Scheinblum suggested that "unbundled" ASNs be made unreasonably high.
However, with a REASONABLE first ASN fee (ie: $50 or thereabouts) bundling THAT with a /19 when you get your first PI allocation is even more reasonable.
While I agree that $500 *might* be too high, I honestly do not think something on the order of $200 or $250 would be too high, especially as a "one time" fee with the $30 recurring charge.
After all, the justification for the IP space encompasses that for the ASN, so the work has already been done, and the additional effort at that point should be literally a few keystrokes.
Good point.
My proposals to fix the issue with regards to getting a /19 if you're multihomed are also out there; has NANOG seen them?
I have not. But I haven't been following this as closely as I probably should have.
Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin
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