On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Jorge Amodio <jmamodio@gmail.com> wrote:
A second issue is ownership. I own my domain.
Interesting statement, did you get a property title with your domain name ?
Just curious
I'd take that question up with your IP attorney. [ Summary: lots of lawyers and courts seem to think that domain names are property ] http://news.cnet.com/2100-1023-223597.html http://www.domainnamenews.com/legal-issues/are-domain-names-considered-prope... http://newmedialaw.proskauer.com/2008/12/articles/domain-names/appellate-wat... http://www.law.duke.edu/journals/dltr/articles/2001dltr0032.html http://pblog.bna.com/techlaw/2009/09/domain-name-deemed-tangible-property-we... -M< -- Martin Hannigan martin@theicelandguy.com p: +16178216079 Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Datacenters and Occupants