On Mon, 5 May 1997, Robert E. Seastrom wrote: : :When Sprint initially enacted peering requirements, I asked several :UUnet employees whether they were planning to do the same. The answer :was without exception that UUnet pursues peering with all technically :qualified providers at all exchange points, because that results in :the best connectivity for UUnet customers. Edward Fang <edfang@visi.net> wrote:
Actually I think this was once one of their boasting points.
Boasting is fine until economic realities start to affect your bottom line. I always held to the opinion that stratification of Internet is inevitable. Neither it is a bad phenomenon per se -- it reflect shifing of Internet being add-on service to being a core business of facilities based telecom companies. The ultimate win will be a network which is a lot more useful, with solid and sustainable business model. --vadim