On Tue, 20 May 1997, Marc Hurst wrote:
This has more to do with internet and the future world goverance.
"Future world goverance(sic)"? Try "present world governance", Marc. Present world governance by Joyce Reynolds and Jon Postel, two middle-aged American hippies sitting on the beach in southern California with their Dell laptops and their Intel CPUs and their Microsoft operating system and their WaveLAN wireless network card, dialed in using the University-of- Michigan-written Point-to-point protocol, pulling your strings and my strings and everyone else's strings because the U.S. Government says so. God bless 'em, too. You know why, Marc? How come two middle-aged hippies in L.A. can completely determine the fate of the global networking infrastructure? Because we've got the bomb. Two words for you: nuclear fucking weapons, that's why. That's why SNMP IODs start with 1.3._6_.1, that's right, the Department of Defense, American merchants of death, spreading good old fashioned American napalm on anyone who disagrees. LOS ANGELES, Marc, HOLLYWOOD. We not only control your foreign policy (Canada's a sovereign nation! Yeah, right; Britain didn't even extend the courtesy of mailing you your so-called Constitution, by which they granted you, still subject to the Queen, more autonomous colonial rule, until, what, eight years ago?), we also control your culture. And it's only going to get worse, because we've got the bomb, we've got the napalm, we've got Mauel Noriega in prison in Ohio because he fucked with the wrong President, we've got 100,000 Iraqi corpses, we've got Hollywood controlling the minds of your kids, slowly Americanizing what's left of your culture from the inside out, we've also got the IANA, two hippies on the beach in southern California controlling the destiny of the net whether you like it or not. "Future world goverance(sic)"? Try "present world governance", Marc. -- Todd Graham Lewis