What have you found so far? On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Roy Hirst <rhirst@xkl.com> wrote:
Replying offline to Theo. Schwer zu finden. Roy
*Roy Hirst* | 425-556-5773 | 425-324-0941 cell XKL LLC | 12020 113th Ave NE, Suite 100 | Kirkland, WA 98034 | USA
On 12/4/2014 5:21 AM, Theo Voss wrote:
Hi guys,
we, a Berlin / Germany based carrier, are looking for a smart documentation (shelfs, connections, fibers) and visualization tool for our ADVA-based DWDM-enviroment. Do you have any suggestions or hints for me? We’re testing „cableScout“, the only one I found, next week but. Unfortunately it isn’t easy to get any information about such tools! :(
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Theo Voss (AS25291)
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