On 3/6/10 1:32 PM, Shon Elliott wrote:
My first reply to this thread. I've been kind of tracking it.
I would love to move to IPv6. However, the IPv6 addressing, I have to say, is really tough to remember and understand for most people. Where is a four number dotted quad was easy to remember, an IPv6 address.. not so much. I wished they had made that a little easier when they were drafting up the protocol specs. basically, you need technical knowledge to even understand how the IP address is split up. I wished ARIN would waive the fee for service provider's first block of IPv6 as well. It would help make the dual stack deployment easier.
There *is* a fee waiver in effect as introduced in 2008. However, if you've waited until now you only get 50% waived in 2010 and 25% waived in 2011. The waiver expires in 2012. Also, if your IPv4 fees are higher than the IPv6 fees would be, you only pay the higher one so the IPv6 block would be effectively free. ~Seth