Merit transitioned to PGPKEY authentication last Sunday, 7/30 as previously announced. As part of the conversion process we created new 'key-cert' objects from our version 5 rings on behalf of those PGP users who had already registered their public key with us. For version 2 keys and other non-version 5 keys the key is displayed as a version 5 key equivalent in the 'key-cert' objects.
From a functional standpoint this does not impact the database submission verification process. For example, submissions signed with a valid version 2 key will correctly verify against our version 5 ring.
For users who wish to display their non-version 5 key in their 'key-cert' object instead of a version 5 equivalent, simply re-submit your 'key-cert' object with the key you wish to use to auto-dbm@radb.net. This is an artifact of the conversion process and will not affect future transactions. 'key-cert' objects will appear in the database as submitted by the user. Follow-up questions or comments should be directed to db-admin@radb.net. IRRd team --Gerald Winters