As I said, the shape out our traffic looked exactly the same. I'm really just curious as to what happend at this point. I'm not in a position to actually contact Akamai myself as I'm not associated witht eh production network. Maybe our production manager will... Here is the graphs from the 29th. Simon Lyall wrote:
On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Chris Rapier wrote:
Is something funny happening with them lately or is it normal to see 45Mbps of UDP traffic between akamai servers (45Mps peak, average for the past 24 hours is around 15Mbps. Prior to that it wasn't enough to show up in our graphs). More information: Our akamai farm is the one recieving all of the data - its coming into our various akamai hosts on port 1455.
Our Akimai's are doing a bit of traffic in the last 6 hours as well, the overnight shift noticed and logged it. I've attached a mrtg graph that is showing the whole thing (green to our farm, blue is from).
-- Simon Lyall. | Newsmaster | Work: simon.lyall@ihug.co.nz Senior Network/System Admin | Postmaster | Home: simon@darkmere.gen.nz ihug, Auckland, NZ | Asst Doorman | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz
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