Hail NANOGers! For those of you who were unable to attend my lightning talk las Wednesday (link below) I would like to ask that you all complete the 2023 State of Network Automation Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5J_i2rkcpgkvI83Vj3DRVsau5jZ1u99M7... I did my best to make it as short as possible while collecting enough data to be useful. I will share the analysed and anonymized results with all respondents, as well as (assuming the talk is accepted) at the next NANOG meeting. Feel free to send any questions directly, although I hope the survey is self-explanatory. For a bit more context, the lightning talk can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/p7rlhkmlDog Thanks in advance for your participation! Cheers, ~Chris -- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com