I've been using the Packetshapper 4000 and have been having terrible performance when I consistantly push out 20Mbps+. The pshaper4k sits between my edge router and my backbone FE switch (so all traffic goes through it). Withouth going into too much detail, when the box inline with power on (and shaping on or off), I get about 10% packet drop and anywhere from 20ms-1000ms delay going through that box. If I power it off or take it out of the picture, problem goes away. I've hit some limits because before I was consistantly above 20Mbps, the box worked very well. I've had the tech guys take a look at it and they did mention I was hitting some hard limits. - mz On Fri, Oct 30, 1998 at 09:25:16AM -0800, bcurnow wrote:
I'm doing such a comparison right now..
Here are the things I am concerned about:
Xedia: Does T3/ATM interfaces and routes Packeteer: Bridge Ethernet only.
Xedia: 600 individual profiles Packeteer: 4096 (I think, double checking that with them)
Xedia: Doesn't need two routers Packeteer: Since it only bridges, it has to be between two intelligent devices. I don't think looping it out and back to the same Cisco would work.
Since I need more profiles, I am leaning toward a Packeteer.
If anyone else has notes, I would like to hear them.
----------------- Brian Curnow ----------------
On Fri, 30 Oct 1998, Michael Gibson wrote:
I wonder if anybody one there has had experience with both xedia and packeteer and would let me know what the strengths and weaknesses was of each
Michael Gibson Team Leader, Network Operations - Netcom Canada Telephone: 416-341-5751 Fax: 416-341-5725 magibson@netcom.ca
-- matthew zeier - "Chance is irrelevant - we will succeed." - 7 of 9