The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing database: T3 additions: ------------- Network IP: 192.92.111 Network Name: WU-RESEARCH Location: Office of the Network Coordinator, Washington University, Campus Box 1048, One Brookings Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA Country Code: US 1:93 ENSS 140, Lincoln, Nebraska AS 93 (Midnet) has been added to the T3 network along with the following gate: Gate: - un13.mid.net ENSS 140, Lincoln, Nebraska Also, 164 networks announced primary via AS 97 (JvNCnet Regional Network) and via AS 1250 (JvNCnet International AS) will be announced on the T3 network as well via AS 97. Total NSFNET T1 announced networks: 4941 Total NSFNET t3 announced networks: 2708 The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on nis.nsf.net as usual. nsfnet/announced.networks - configuration reports latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now - NSFNET T3 has the file extension 3.now nsfnet/backbone.configuration - configuration files for the routing software for each NSS latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss# - NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin@merit.edu using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin@merit.edu using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line. from the nis.nsf.net machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE, and TEMPLATE.AS. -B. Sue Blair Merit Network Operations