I do NTP, DHCP, TFTP, DNS, HTTP anycast. NTP, DNS and HTTP with ECMP, TFTP and DHCP as active/active on a per Datacenter Basis. These are small Datacenters with less than 50k Servers each. In every datacenter an anycast node is active and the router just chooses the shortest path. It becomes tricky for DHCP if a location has the same cost to more than one anycast Node. For this case we have setup a DHCP nodes in two datacenters using different local-preferences to simulate a failover active/passive setup. Cheers Thomas Am 22.02.24 um 19:47 schrieb Javier Gutierrez:
Hi, I'm working on some DR design and we want to not only have this site as a DR but also performing some active/active for some of the services we hosts and I was wondering if someone had some experience with using anycast for TFTP or DHCP services? What are some of the pains/challenges you experienced and things we should lookout for?
Any input is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
*Javier Gutierrez*