It's really quiet in here. So, for some Friday fun let me whap at the hornets nest and see what happens... >;-) http://www.ionary.com/PSOC-MovingBeyondTCP.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------- "NAT is your friend" "IP doesn’t handle addressing or multi-homing well at all" "The IETF’s proposed solution to the multihoming problem is called LISP, for Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol. This is already running into scaling problems, and even when it works, it has a failover time on the order of thirty seconds." "TCP and IP were split the wrong way" "IP lacks an addressing architecture" "Packet switching was designed to complement, not replace, the telephone network. IP was not optimized to support streaming media, such as voice, audio broadcasting, and video; it was designed to not be the telephone network." -------------------------------------------------------------- And so, "...the first principle of our proposed new network architecture: Layers are recursive." I can hear the angry hornets buzzing already. :-) scott