Subject: RE: RINA - scott whaps at the nanog hornets nest :-) Date: Sun, Nov 07, 2010 at 12:34:56AM -0700 Quoting George Bonser (gbonser@seven.com):
Yes, I really don't understand that either. You would think that the investment in developing and deploying all that SONET infrastructure has been paid back by now and they can lower the prices dramatically. One would think the vendors would be practically giving it away, particularly if people understood the potential improvement in performance, though the difference between 1500 and 4000 is probably not all that much except on long distance ( >2000km ) paths.
Even if larger MTUen are interesting (but most of the time not worth the work) the sole reason I like SDH as my WAN technology is the presence of signalling -- so that both ends of a link are aware of its status near-instantly (via protocol parts like RDI etc). In GE it is legal to not receive any packets, which means that "oblivious" is a possible state for such a connection. With associated routing implications. -- Måns Nilsson primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina MN-1334-RIPE +46 705 989668 Is this the line for the latest whimsical YUGOSLAVIAN drama which also makes you want to CRY and reconsider the VIETNAM WAR?