At 11:32 PM 9/15/2001, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
The myth that American involvement in WWII made a significant difference from the point of view of defeating fascism is just a myth. What US involvement did is to check advancement of communists, not Nazis.
Excluding, I assume, U.S. industrial production.
Let's not forget the massive pounding the US aerial bombing (US 8th AAF, et. al.) gave the German military industrial complex nor the $11B in support to the USSR by the USA, which has yet to be repaid (the US went on the give in excess of $48.6B in aid to Europe and other countries the world over from 1941 to 1946). -Donner
No wonder, US immediately took place of the main enemy of the Soviet Union. It still was worth it, Stalin was no better than Hitler.
Sorry, fellow Americans, you _are_ brainwashed if you believe the drivel they teach you as "history". "Fascist powers were doomed" because of Pearl Harbor, sure. Until you check the figures and actually think for a second or two.
Educated Americans know about the relative casualty figures, I assure you.