On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 06:42:51PM -0500, TR Shaw wrote:
That made the transformers smaller/cooler and more efficient. I seem to remember a 195 as well but maybe it is just CRS.
Google says the 360/195 did exist. But my baby was the 360/95, where the first megabyte of memory was flat-film at 60ns, which made it faster than the 195 for some things. It was incredibly expensive to build - we heard rumors of $30 million in 1967 dollars, and sold to NASA at a huge loss, which is why there were only two built. I used to amuse myself by climbing into the flats memory cabinet, and was amused again some years later when I could have ingested a megabyte without harm. Ours sat directly above Tom's Restaurant, of Seinfeld fame. Very early climate modeling was done on that machine, along with a lot of astrophysics.