I have updated the attendee list for the June 5 & 6 NANOG Meeting to be held in Tampa, FL. I you should be on this list and are not please contact me. Remember to book your hotel rooms at the Hyatt by May 15. Info about the NANOG Meeting can be found on the nanog.org web page. The attendee list is as follows: The following people have registered for the Summer '97 NANOG meeting. Looking forward to seeing you! < < Attendee Organization Adelson, Jay Digital Internet Exchange Ahlstrand, Dave Minnesota Regional Network Ahuja, Abha Merit Network, Inc. Ansboury, Mark Virtual Communications, Inc. Auger, Ulysses CAIS Barber, Stan Academ Consulting Services Barr, Dave Applied Theory Communications, Inc. Barrows, Jeff UUNET Ben-Oni, Golan IDT Corporation Bergman, Chris PSINet, Inc. Bergum, Dave Minnesota Regional Network Boeth, Richard Sprint Multimedia Bogovic, Tony Bellcore Bool, Adrian U-NET Ltd. Borchers, Mark InfiNet Borkenhagen, Jay AT&T Worldnet Bownes, Bob Intermedia Communications Boyles, Jeff PSINet, Inc. Broscius, Al Bellcoretd> Brown, John M. iHighway.net, Inc. Bush, Randy Verio, Inc. Campbell, Tom Global Internet Capo, John IRBS Engineering Capshaw, Sean Advantis/IBM Global Network Cassels, Peter MCNC Cerveny, William Advanced Network & Services, Inc. Cheng, Che-Hoo The Chinese University of Hong Kong/HKIX Clark, Henry BBN Planet Cleary, Mike Utah Education Network Cnota, Mark Ameritech Advanced Data Svcs. Collie, Bob Telalink Corp. Collins, John Rutgers Universtiy Correia, Wayne D. Electronic Frontier Foundation Curado, Dave Verio Davis, Peter TIAC, The Internet Access Company, Inc. Della, Marcos InterNex DeLong, Owen ConXioN DeMarche, Chris Verio Desko, David PSC International Donelan, Sean DRA Donner, Paul Cisco Systems, Inc.t Donovan, Regis Microsoft Dorsey, Chris @Home Network Dugan, Jon NCSA Dunn, Bradley Harbor Communications Dykes, Barry Genuity Eastgard, Tom NorthWestNet England, Kent W. Six Sigma Networks Fakler, Paul Minnesota Regional Network Farrelly, Jeff GoodNet Feldman, Steve WorldCom Ferguson, Paul Cisco Systems, Inc. Fitzgibbons, William Kaspia Systems, Inc. Frohling, Ted University of Arizona Fuller, Vince BBN Planet Gainer, John Verio Garcia, Joseph Hewlett-Packard Gerich, Elise @Home Network Germaine, Andrew Advantis Greanias, Robert Hewlett-Packard Green, Bill Aimnet Corporation Guidry, Lawrence Cable & Wireless Internet Exchange Gutierrez, Esteban US Army Corps of Engineers Gutierrez, Robert Internex Information Services Hall, Bradshaw Epoch Networks Haney, Craig Cando Consulting Hares, David Autonet Harris, Susan R. Merit Network, Inc. Harrison, Laura Intermedia Communications, Inc. Hays, Ken Florida State University Heagerty, Denise CERN Heasley, John Verio Heiliger, Jonathan GlobalCenter Heiman, Rick Sprint Multimedia Helser, Gordon Advantis/IBM Hetzel, Dorn Epoch Networks Hines, Stphen Gridnet International Hodovance, Derek SuperNet, Inc. Hogarth, Jonathan Intermedia Communications Horne, Mike Verio Houle, Art Florida State University Hubbard, Kim Network Solutions, Inc. Hudes, Dana Graphnet, Inc. Icide, Chris Nap.Net, L.L.C. India, Vincent CyberGate Ishiguro, Kumihiro Digital Magic Labs, Inc. Joffe, Rodney Genuity, Inc. Johnson, Ron Genuity Jordt, Dan NorthWestNet Jung, Jaeyeon Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Junkins, Doug NorthWestNet, Inc. Kaul, Surbhi Technology Infrastructure Services Kavi, Prabhu Cascade Keagy, Scott Cisco Systems, Inc. Kern, Ed DIGEX Khoo, Andrew Aussie.Net Kim, Dorian CICNet King, Link GoodNet Kingett, Delzon AT&T Klein, Joseph Tittania Corporation Kline, Peter AGIS Krinos, Dimitri IBM/Advantis Krupnik, Bob AT&T Labovitz, Craig Merit Network, Inc. Lai, Elaine Pacific Internet Pte Ltd Lambert, Michael Pittsburgh Supercomputing Ctr. Lang, James Erols Internet> Langdon, Michael AT&T WorldNet Lanza, Jacob Sprint Multimedia Lapolitio, Joe Verio Leber, Mike Hurricane Electric LeBrun, Ren IBM Global Services Leland, Will Bellcore Leonard, Dan Autonet Liu, Dun Merit Network, Inc. Liu, Xin Merit Network, Inc. Love, Paul Internet Consulting of Vermont Madison, Eric ACSI Mahmud, Faisal Rutgers University Mariano, Reynaldo Pacific Bell Martey, Abe Cisco Systems, Inc. Martin, Kevin pair Networks Matsune, Mio BTNIS McCauley, Bill GeoNet Communications, Inc. McGuckin, Joe ViaNet Communications McIlhenny, Karen BBN Corp. McKee, David Arizona State University McPherson, Danny Genuity, Inc. McQuaid, Jim NetScout Systems, Inc. Menendex, Louis University of South Florida Meyer, David University of Oregon Middleton, Guy UUNET Canada Miller, Brad CAIS Internet Mitchell, Rodney UUNET Technologies Miura, Takeshi International Digital Communications, Inc. Mizukoshi, Ichiro Office AI Mohta, Pushpendra TCG CERFnet, Inc. Mouat, Nikos IXA-Interconnected Associates Murphy, John AT&T WorldNet Nabil, Aaron Laudon Consulting Nakamura, Toshiyuki NTT PC Communications, Inc. Nesser II, Philip J. Nesser & Nesser Consulting Netterfield, Ted University of S. Flordia Nobile, Leslie Dept. of Defense Network Infomation Ctr/SAIC Norton, Bill Merit Network, Inc. Nowlin, Lauren Network Solutions, Inc. Oura, Teruhisa International Digital Communications Inc. Owen, Kraig Cisco Systems, Inc. Pace, Donald Sprint ANS Parks, Lisa Network Solutions, Inc. Partan, Andrew Verio Pennington, Jim Kaspia Systems, Inc. Perez, Mike Sprint Peterson, Alec Erols Internet Petrovic, Mark S. Sprint Multimedia Pettingell, Brian Genuity Pokorney, Dave University of Florida Pulcher, Harold Verio Ramsey, Michael Interpath Retana, Alvaro Cisco Systems, Inc. Reynolds, Bradley Harbor Communication Rishaw, Jamie Internet Access Group Rizzo, Jeff NETCOM Rogers, Joe University of S. Flordia Rolinson, Sean Charm Net, Inc. Ross, William Kaspia Systems, Inc. Rubin, Steve InterNex Information Services Ruth, Greg GTE Laboratories, Inc. Schlapfer, Marcel NASA Internet/Sterling Software Schleifer, Mark DIGEX Schmidt, Andrew Ameritech Schnell, Steven Sprint Scott, Thomas (Rod) ConXioN Sebuktekin, Isil Bellcore Sekioka, Toshinori NTT PC Communication, Inc. Shaver, Gary Hurricane Electric Shultz, Steve NASA Ames Research Center Silliker, Andrew Interlog Internet Services Sims, Ralph Northwest Nexus, Inc. Sjoberg, Daniel Telia NA Skouby, Greg Harbor Communications Smith-Roberts, Ryan IXA-Interconnected Associates Spitale, Denise Department of Defense Network Information Ctr/SAIC Stefansky, Jonathan Goldman Sachs Sterling, Jeff IXA-Interconnected Associates Stringer, Fred AT&T Worldnet Stroud, Danny GES Internet Stuart, Stephen Digital Equipment Corp. Sugeno, Akio TELEHOUSE Swink, Carol Hewlett Packard Tatman, Lance NASA Ames/Sterling Software Torpis, Sharif Pacific Bell Internet Toyama, Katsuyasu NTT Software Labs Tsuboi, Christopher @Home Network Voll, Toivo University of South Flordia Vortherms, Dan Verio Wagner, Dick ACSI Watson, Brett Genuity Inc. Watt, James Newbridge Networks Corp. Wayrynen, Darin GoodNet Wei, Calvin Bell Atlantic Internet Solutions Weinsteiger, George Genutiy, Inc. Wells, Chick Virtual Resources Wilkerson, Lisa IXA-Interconnected Associates Williams, Scott @Home Network Williams, Warren Pacific Bell Wilson, Paul UUNET Canada Witt, Mike RAINet Wittbrodt, Cathy @Home Network Wong, William Hong Kong Telecom - Netplus Woodcock, Bill Zocalo Woolf, Suzanne USC Information Sciences Institute Yaguchi, Tomokazu Telecomet, Inc. Yu, Yung AT&T WorldNet Zimmerman, Gary SAVVIS Communications Corp. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Pam Ciesla 313-936-0172 - phone Merit Network, Inc. 313-647-3185 - fax University of Michigan 4251 Plymouth Road Bldg. I, Suite C Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx