In message <Pine.GSO.3.93.980622182519.29812v-100000@staff.uk.psi.com>, Paul Ma nsfield writes:
has anyone ever heard of an ISP blocking their own customer if their customer is in the RBL? I'd love to hear a telephone call between ISP and customer if this occurred!!!
Uh, most of the time if the ISPs customer is RBL, the ISP will KNOW about it, from the volume of complaints. (And will probably have had notice from the RBL folks.) Most any ISP that particpates in RBL type blocking is going to turn off any spammer well before they would show up. (We would.)
Paul ---- P Mansfield, Senior SysAdmin PSINet, +44-1223-577577x2611/577611 fax:577600 :r~/humour/signature :wq
--- Jeremy Porter, Freeside Communications, Inc. jerry@fc.net PO BOX 80315 Austin, Tx 78708 | 512-458-9810 http://www.fc.net