On Tue, 02 Dec 2003 20:05:47 +0100, Alexander Bochmann <bochmann@FreiNet.de> said:
I agree that much of the anti-spam stuff out there is kludgy at best, and often harmful to other users, but let's not forget that it's the spammers who make all this necessary...
Today's stupid spammer trick: The other day, I posted something in reply to Stephen Wilcox, with a cc: to this list. Less than 10 minutes later, I got 4 notes from a site saying that my posting (which still had nanog and wilcox referenced) had tripped a content sensitivity filter. Double checking my outbox, I'd only posted one thing that had both wilcox and nanog in the headers for at least a month. Despite all this, the site admin in question fished out the actual note from their quarantine, and discovered that it was spam for some enhancement product. The only conclusion we could come up with is that somebody on the NANOG list is infected with some sort of malware that waits for mail to arrive and then uses its headers to generate a joe-job spam, and that 4 spams had gone off to the site that generated the notes back to me. Forget the baseball bat, this one deserves a lead pipe... :)