Subject line says it all. I got this today from the Chemical Safety Board.. Silly season is definitely upon us. Have a happy and safe new year! AlanC ------- Forwarded Message From: csb_automailer@csb.gov To: abc-chem@firehouse.net Subject: CHEMICAL SAFETY BOARD WEB SITE TO UNDERGO PRECAUTIONARY 24-HOUR Y2K SHUT DOWN; ALSO, YEAR 2000 CHEMICAL SAFETY CARD AVAILABLE Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 17:54:45 -0500 The following message is from the United States Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB), Washington D.C. As a precaution and to protect critical information systems, the CSB web site will be shut down, temporarily, for approximately 24 hours beginning at 8 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (U.S.A.) on December 31st. This is a precautionary Y2K-related shutdown. The web site is scheduled to return to operation on the Internet at Saturday morning, Jan. 1, 2000. Chemsafety.gov users are advised to download information from the site prior to the shutdown. We regret this inconvenience. On a positive Year 2000 note, the CSB advises that copies of its "fully Y2K-compliant" chemical safety calendar wallet card are available for distribution. For details visit http://www.chemsafety.gov/about/cards.htm . This message was transmitted at 5:31 PM Eastern Time (U.S.A.) on December 21, 1999. ________________________________________________________ Visit us on the World Wide Web at http://www.chemsafety.gov - -- This mailing came from the csbnews list maintained by the Office of External Relations, U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, Washington, D.C. - -- To unsubscribe to this list please send a message from the subscribed email account to csbinfo@csb.gov with the subject line blank and the words "unsubscribe csbnews" (no quotation marks) in the body of the message. Please note: if the "from" address at the top of this message is from an address other than csb_automailer@csb.gov please contact the sender. ------- End of Forwarded Message