ICANN != a good sampling of number resource issues or concerns. As you noticed, the whole mess with domain names and their IP issues is the monetary tail that wags the ICANN dog. ICANN barely pays attention to number resources and when they do, it’s primarily to do whatever has been agreed upon by the policy processes in the various RIRs. This is actually a good thing and we should seek to preserve this fact after ICANN loses its “adult supervision”. Owen On Jun 18, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Barry Shein <bzs@world.std.com> wrote:
Not to mix this up but one of the main reasons I attended ICANN meetings over several years was an interest in the IPv4/IPv6 transition.
To say interest was sparse is an under, er, over statement.
There was a good session on legacy IPs, a topic more than marginally related, in Toronto in fall 2012, a few people here were there.
Really, I can list them like that.
I'd sit in on the "ISP" sessions, for years, but when they weren't talking about how to fill out travel reimbursement reports (Brussels) they were mostly talking about site takedowns for intellectual property violations and similar, very similar, trademark issues and domains, etc.
In a nutshell the whole TLD thing and other registry/registrar and closely related business issues so dominated discussions it drowned everything else out about 99%.
If I'd bring it up, shouldn't we be discussing what we can do as an organization about IPv4/IPv6?, I'd usually get a 1,000 mile stare like who let this guy in? I remember once being cut off with "oh, CGN will solve that (Sydney)."
I realize RIRs are more directly involved in many ways but this should be, in my opinion, a high-priority global internet governance policy issue with RIRs implementing or enjoying the results, not driving the issue, or only as much as they can.
Then again vis a vis ICANN you can say this about almost any issue not directly related to registry/registrar business matters.
TL;DR: I think there's an exposure and public awareness problem, even with those who are chartered with being interested.
-- -Barry Shein
The World | bzs@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*