Just imagine how good we would all feel if we came together as a community and really did do what Ron suggests below? I would do anything to be part of something like that... On 2/5/2020 11:39 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
For all of the people who have elected to pick on me for my less that diplomatic assertion(s), I can only suggest that your time and effort would be more well spent by looking at the hard data that I suggested that everyone look at, and then looking to see if any of the bogus ASNs being used, day in and day out, are being peered with by your own upstreams, and if so, composing an appropriately diplomatic email to said upstreams, asking them why they are peering with bogon ASN(s).
I do not feel that it is a stretch to say that all of this use of bogon ASNs is arguably even more shameful than the widespread lack of adherence to BCP 38, owing to the ease with which it may be seen and documented. It represents yet another, and equally or perhaps even more egregious violation of Internet norms which endangers us all, and all of our customers, every bit as much as the widespread and inexcusable failures to conform to BCP 38.
The Internet needs to grow up. This isn't a little government funded science experiment anymore. We have a whole planet's full of end users watching now, and history will not be kind to those who continue to shirk their responsibilities to the common man in the interests of lining their own pockets in the short term.
Regards, rfg