First we moved the entire internet to TCP/443. Now we propose moving it all to UDP/53. What’s next? Why not simply eliminate port numbers altogether in favor of a single 16-bit client-side unique session identifier. Owen
On Feb 21, 2020, at 15:20 , Matthew Petach <mpetach@netflight.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 21, 2020, 13:31 Łukasz Bromirski <lukasz@bromirski.net <mailto:lukasz@bromirski.net>> wrote:
Now… once we are aware, the only question is — where we go from here?
— ./
Well, it's clear the UDP 443 experiment wasn't entirely successful.
So clearly, it's time to use the one UDP port that is allowed through at the top of everyone's ACL rules, and update QUIC in the next iteration to use UDP/53.
*THAT* should solve the whole problem, once and for all.