As a small clarification, when you say IP, do you mean over the public internet, or on a private IP network? I'm going to guess the latter, but thought I'd ask... -C On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
At 01:11 PM 9/5/2001 -0700, Sean Donelan wrote:
Since there is very little "unique" network equipment in the world now, just about everyone buys equipment from the same vendors. So the question is, Can we learn anything from Citibank's experience. Is there anything about their continuing problems which may be used to improve general network reliability?
I've set up a few ATMs. I have used DSLw+ & STUN on 25xx ciscos and FRADs. I have also seen modems used. The machines themselves all ran OS2, but some banks were talking about moving to NT (this was before Win2K).
When they used IP, they did use cisco, but they did not all use IP. That said, I did most of this many years ago (remember - ianai :), and the "newer" stuff was almost all IP. It would not surprise me if the majority of contemporary ATMs use IP.
It would also not surprise me if Citibank has a lot of old ATMs that use 4.8Kbps modems.
I tried to find out some information from Citibank's web site about the issue, but I didn't see anything.
Somehow I think they would be extremely reluctant to tell anyone what they use inside their ATMs....
-- TTFN, patrick