I recently talked at the IRTF on this subject and followed up with a blog post at https://blog.apnic.net/2018/06/21/measurement-challenges-in-the-gigabit-era/. There's also an open source speed test project you may want to consider at https://github.com/Comcast/Speed-testJS. Jason On 7/16/18, 2:00 PM, "NANOG on behalf of Chris Gross" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org on behalf of CGross@ninestarconnect.com> wrote: I'm curious what people here have found as a good standard for providing solid speedtest results to customers. All our techs have Dell laptops of various models, but we always hit 100% CPU when doing a Ookla speedtest for a server we have on site. So then if you have a customer paying for 600M or 1000M symmetric, they get mad and demand you prove it's full speed. At that point we have to roll out different people with JDSU's to test and prove it's functional where a Ookla result would substitute fine if we didn't have crummy laptops possibly. Even though from what I can see on some google results, we exceed the standards several providers call for. Most of these complaints come from the typical "power" internet user of course that never actually uses more than 50M sustained paying for a residential connection, so running a circuit test on each turn up is uncalled for. Anyone have any suggestions of the requirements (CPU/RAM/etc) for a laptop that can actually do symmetric gig, a rugged small inexpensive device we can roll with instead to prove, or any other weird solution involving ritual sacrifice that isn't too offensive to the eyes?