On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 07:49:17PM -0500, Alex Pilosov wrote:
However, I noticed that requirements for initial 24.* block allocation do not specify existing allocations, and thought that sneaky way I might get PI /20 by just specifying our approximate use in 6 months of the address space.
...And since the ARIN folk read this mailing list, I suggest you change the name of your company before trying this now. ;)
Erm, no mischief intended. "Sneaky" was definitely wrong word here. I intended to strictly follow ARIN rules. I was just pointing at the fact that according to ARIN web page, cable ISPs do not have minimum existing allocation requirement. And of course, I'm fully aware that ARIN folk reads this list, which is why I sent my original mail here, with question about ADSL use of 24/8 net ;) -alex